The largest of all Dragons, the Ayinun can grow large enough to clothe a mountain from peak to base in their vast wings. They lack the mass one might expect for their size and do not uproot nearby trees and villages when taking to the air. It is likely they do not need their wings for flight at all, exhibiting a strange control over their own density and tangibility.
No Ayinun has been seen over the Attovian continent for over two millennia. It is believed they flew out across the open ocean in search of other lands to rule and were claimed by the Kraken.
The Ayinun as a race are considered widely, and incorrectly to be subservient to Lielun. Often called Children of the Sky, to the chagrin of the Krest, they are believed to have been Dragons blessed by the goddess of the sky thereby granting them some limited domain over it. Many a child grows up on Attovia having been told tales and legends of the great Ayinun that once graced the land with their presence.
In reality such connection, any connection really, to Lielun is fiction. Further more, Ayinun are not Dragons. They are a Meyda-informed result of the complex beliefs and consciousness when regarding the shapes and movements of clouds.
The ancient Amodians used clouds to predict the future, divine the names of their children, and saw them as omens good or ill that required respect. These practices spread across the wider human population, and was beloved most by the Nammalians, who continue to engage in communing with the firmament to this very day.
All together a strong cultural belief in the providence of the clouds manifested the Ayinun. They sprung from the World Stone like a womb, and stayed above Attovia for only a short span of time. Long enough for legends and myth to form and warp, before leaving, tired of the races trivial worries, to find new homes.