The Ogen, or anchor of an individuals Soul is one of the more misunderstood concepts to even the brightest minds of Attovia. They understand it is responsible for keeping a soul in its current vessel, and how one might create an artificial Ogen for Necromantic purposes, but they do not quite grasp its deeper purpose.


The consciousness of all creatures is made up of Meyda, the soul’s information encoded in this amorphous, powerful material. Without an Ogen ones consciousness would simply be absorbed by any other larger quantity of Meyda and become lost within. Even when a person dies their soul is almost never just released of its anchor. It instead is often transferred via the Tether of some deity. Even more important, the Ogen for an unborn baby is actually the mother, not until after labor ends through the Contract of Birth is their Ogen transferred to their new heart. For it is the heart that functions as the Ogen. The brain holds and operates on the soul, but the soul maintains its position thanks to the heart. This is why we see more powerful beings often forming condensed Meyda around their hearts.