Sudostu are quadruped hoofed mammals which stand from 5-6 feet tall, they have large ear like flaps on the side of each head that hang far enough to drag on the ground in the case of some individuals. They use these strange organs to detect and filter water for nutrients. Their back hooves are flat and wide allowing them to dig for water sources rapidly if open air water cannot be found.
The Semari people of the Western Wastes tell an ancient tale of the first Semari encounter with a Sudostu.
Ayan and Aysu
Some time after leaving Ayana’s side Aysu was wondered the world in search of a new home. He began his search in the frigid north and found naught but ice and snow. He traversed the western coasts and ran from untold ocean horrors. He explored the southern desert of dark inferno and no homes did he find. Then Ayan approached Aysu who was confused by her strange appearance.
Follow me flighty friend, I know a place to rest your wings.
So Aysu followed Ayan and when they arrived at a beautiful babbling brook beside a calm plain he called Ayan’s folk Sudostu for they were a friend of water, and the land Gur Bulaqlar for its verdant springs.