The Krest are said to be born of Lielun, a hybrid of Humanity and the goddess of the skies is seen plainly in their features. A pair of wings grow from their shoulder blades, incapable of true flight, but allowing for a controlled glide or safe fall. Evidence of a heavily receded beak is seen as their upper lip is heavily pointed and covers the lower lip entirely. Their hands and feet are very articulate sets of talons, the feet are Anisodactyl and their hands Zygodactyl. They have beautiful plumes of feathers on the tops of their heads and often grow patches or lines of feathers along their arms, sides, and back, whilst their legs are most often devoid of any hair or feather growth.
The Krest were hunted to near extinction several thousand years ago and are extremely rare to see in most civilization. They are however rather abundant in the Western Wastes where their people still refer to themselves as Semari and continue to conduct the ancient worship and Workings many thought lost to the tides of progress.