Wraiths have been naught but superstition and mythology since the Age of Nations began, and perhaps before. They were the heralds and servants of Skoteinóti̱ta made through the destruction and corruption of sentient being’s Souls. Long since hunted to extinction by the Crystal Guard their activity has not been recorded since. Wraith’s being drawn to commit acts that bring about darkness and pain have trouble hiding their presence for more than several years. If any still existed, the signs would be undeniable if the stories are true.


Wraiths exude a strangely solid, inky darkness in all directions. This otherworldly, immaterial substance is washed away by light of all kinds, and most destructively by the Day Star. If a Wraith were to remain in an enclosed space for a significant amount of time, it would steadily fill with the emitted blackness until it can be felt faintly on the flesh. Their facial structure varies depending on the individual who was initially corrupted, but their bodies structure rapidly falls away as it descends from the head, until its simply the tendrils outputting solid darkness.