During the early years of modern Meyda-work development, sometime around 400 Age of Nations, a group of researchers sought to find an affordable method of creating food utilizing Meyda-circles. The resulting pulpy, flavorless mash was initially dismissed as a failure and logged away for posterity. Several years later during a season of extreme drought the notes were found in a panic and many Chips were contributed to the fueling of Meyda-circles for the purpose of producing what came to be called Muussaa. The instructions to create Muussaa are relatively common now, and many small towns keep someone around who could draw up the necessary Forms if hard times befall their food supply.
Many attempts have been made to improve the Meyda-circle that creates Muussaa, additions of flavor, improvements to texture, but no Worker has been found who grasps the original designs well enough to alter them in an edible manner.