The study of the monstrous is an ancient Attovian discipline. Since the first hordes of Graskoroth’s spawn clambered out of the surf it became a feverous pursuit of the educated. The potential for discoveries to elucidate weaknesses of these terrible creatures made of hate and wrath was worth the lifetimes spent researching and cataloging. What separated the “True Monsters” (Those created by Graskoroth) from the generally monstrous or powerful?
Powered Matter
When the Minor Stone hearts of the True Monster’s were first discovered general anatomical knowledge was so behind that it was initially postulated that the hearts of all creatures must be similar in some respect. If these first academics had simply asked their local butcher such a question he would have happily displayed for them a bovine heart and very quickly allayed this idea. Unfortunately it was several decades before this theory was widely discredited.
Now it is generally agreed upon that the most certain test for a True Monster is to take it apart. They generally lack any logical set of internal mechanisms, instead a mass of organs that generally resemble those found in a human body surround and feed off of a Minor Stone.
The only school of thought which opposes this hard and fast rule comes from a chapter in the original de facto authority on monsterology A Thorough Study in Monstrous Biology and its Linkage to the Kraken. The chapter in question is on dragons, the original author claims to have had access to the body of a Wyrmling and writes the following:
A Thorough Study in Monstrous Biology and its Linkage to the Kraken - Valo Rehn
Upon discovering the proposed heart of the creature I was shocked to find it entirely inorganic. A hard, softly glowing stone as that found within a goblin or troll sat in what I can only assume by the surrounding tissue as a consistent place of rest. The surrounding systems of life and maintenance however were not the expected jumbled mass. Instead I found therein a logic and order consistent with that discovered by the dissection and documentation of mundane farm animals.
This chapter alone is enough for many academics to all but throw out the Stone Heart theory. This sect however is quite small, and it is generally agreed that Dragons and perhaps some other creatures would fit into some other category all together.
Hive Mind Behavior
Some time around the year 2600 of the Age of Nations a study was conducted in regards to the behavior of Goblins in groups large enough to form proper tribes. On the northwestern outskirts of the Grask Forest several controlled groups of goblins were allowed to go about their business undisturbed by civilization or adventurers. It was discovered that in groups sized 5-10 simple hierarchies would form, generally consisting of three roles, chief, shaman, and tribesman. The shaman was always granted some measure of actual Meyda-work, generally in the way of malevolent divine inspiration, and the tribesmen would follow the chief’s orders without question. When two groups of this size met there was often a group thought dissonance over who was to be considered “chief” which 9 out of 10 times resulted in an all out war between the two until one or both of the chiefs were killed.
In groups with 11-20+ members its almost as though a switch flips. The concept of the hierarchy visibly disappears and the entire group ceases to speak or generally communicate in any way. Meyda-work is often still conducted but now no obvious shaman can be found and instead it is done by as many members as possible. At times the level of Meyda-work conducted is relatively high, and the accuracy required previously thought impossible by such creatures. Groups of this size that encounter other groups will immediate impress some kind of invisible will over them, absorbing their members into the strange silent horde. It was then quickly discovered that this strange hive mind could overpower other True Monsters, as the horde of goblins quickly incorporated several trolls into their ranks. At this point the study was discontinued and the group was wiped out (with remarkable casualties).
No other creatures of this size appear to ever exhibit this kind of behavior. Comparable to creatures like ants and bees. Many theories exist in regards to why this occurs but few can be backed by actual research. It would be imprudent to say the least to attempt another study like this without substantial funds and safeguards in place.