Before Attovia all was the sea. Above the ocean’s expanse Hormus ruled. Below the surface of the water churned the kraken god Graskoroth, boiling the oceans with their envy at Hormus’ higher position. Graskoroth dug their arms into the sea floor and began to lift land above the water level, claiming it as their own domain above the sea. Hormus responded with delight, forming creaturs from the atmosphere and placing them upon the new soil. Humans first, then the Elves who he granted the seed of the Ambar Tree, and the great stone giants known as the Roeh meant to guard and guide the land dwellers. Swiftly the soil was marked with the impact of budding civilization. Graskoroth could not tolerate this slight and in their inflamed wrath they sent hordes of monsters clambering onto every beach from the depths.
Hormus tears flowed through the valleys and hills of the land as he watched countless creatures killed by the spite and hunger which fueled Grask’s spawn. In his grief Hormus created the Girav gel, a race of warriors ready to fight back the swarms. In addition he granted the sentient races with magic, giving them access to a store of power with which to defend themselves. This was the final straw for Graskoroth, and their white hot rage birthed The Hebdomad, seven Demon Lords each representing some despicable portion of the kraken’s destructive anger.
The seven Demon Lords fought Hormus and in the end tore him into seven pieces. Eye, Head, Arm, Hand, Foot, Leg, and Torso. Each Demon Lord took their respective piece and buried it somewhere on Attovia as far from the others as possible. It was not until the last piece was laid in the earth that Graskoroth realized their mistake. By placing Hormus within the land they forfeited their right to claim it. Before they could reverse the process Hormus’ magic infused Attovia. It now belonged to Hormus more so than it was ever the Kraken’s. In addition, from the seven pieces there formed seven God Stones. The most powerful casters of the realm entrapped the Demon Lords in these stones for all eternity, ushering in an age of hope.