Aysu's 1st Saying
The land breathes, its lifeblood pours from the streams and rivers, its branched arms reach skyward, and its great bones creak and groan within its sinew of earth. Not all is the Fikcan, but the Fikcan is in all.
The modern analog one might find to a Fikcan elsewhere on the continent is the Nephesh. However if you were to describe the visible manifestation of a forest’s Soul to the Semari they would scoff at you before explaining that what you had seen was the Balacan of some tree, or stone. The Fikcan is not something anyone could take in visually at once just as no one can take in an entire forest’s sites, sounds, and feelings at once. For the same reason, the Fikcan cannot be directly worshiped as one entity, instead the Semari worship its many aspects, the Balacan.