An unknown master to an unknown pupil
You seek power in a Trifling? Perhaps the name escapes you, as does my patience when instructing a Phashing boy. The very essence of Triflings is their beautiful simplicity in which one may learn the careful exactness of Working.
No I will not teach you the Fire One first.
There are several very minor Workings who’s instructions require so little Meyda, that it can be pulled from the external ambient quantities. Triflings though simple relative to many Workings still require hours of teaching and many more of practice to execute. Generally considered frivolous and materially wasteful when Worked through a Meyda-circle most Trifling’s are taught as a series of accurate Abaki speech and precise somatic gestures. Without the aid of Meyda Intercession the lines drawn in the air, and words spoken must be exceedingly accurate to get the desired effect, they are thankfully, extremely short. Examples of common Triflings seen by Meyda-workers can be seen below.
Air Buckler
Very short somatic gesture sequences mean this Trifling is Worked either with both hands at once thanks to its symmetry, or just the dominant hand. Two words are spoken: midchas aviyr as the hands are brought to form a hand-circle. Once complete the hands may be removed and the air demarked by the circle is now a thin solidified mass, difficult to move, and resistant enough to stop a small rock thrown by a child. Considered the easiest of the well known Triflings Air Buckler is often one of the least popular among young Workers who dislike its subtle and short-lived nature (The air holds its form in place for only a couple seconds). It is, however, taught first by those Workers considered wise, for it is the basis for most of Attovian defensive Workings and several violent spells as well.
Almost identical to Air Buckler, this Trifling is also symmetrical, being executed with both hands or one. The Abaki words required are: zrimat aviyr and once the final hand-circle is formed air rushes out from between the hand-circle with speed enough to whip hair about at a distance of 3 paces. Usually taught after Air Buckler to appease haughty or hubris inclined newbies, Breeze is well loved for it can be maintained so long as the hand-circle does not falter, and can be toted about by the mischievous.
Gentle Frost
Longer than Air Buckler but still symmetrical, one must utilize both hands to draw the more advanced shape in the air before speaking the Abaki words mayim hit’laked. Once complete flecks of what looks like snow appear in the air where the symbols were drawn and fall to the ground. It is possible to incorporate a Meyda-mark into the spell and utilize it for targeting purposes. Advanced Workers may use this to impress simple folk by drawing an invisible pattern on their hand before Working Gentle Frost so that the snow grows on their palm instead of the air. This is usually the first “complex” trifling taught to young Workers thanks to its harmlessness.
Minor Flame
The non-dominant palm outstretched and still, the other draws symbols in the air while the Worker states the following: Hafakh aviyr lelehava. One performed correctly a small dancing flame the size of a common candle floats and flickers above the Worker’s palm about two inches. It can burn so long as the palm is open and no strong wind or obstruction snuffs it out. It is real flame and can burn paper, flesh, or perhaps a length of rope if done carefully. Most teachers avoid giving a new Worker access to Minor Flame until they have proven they can be trusted. There are cautionary tales in every culture of Minor Flame’s misuse leading to burned crops, houses and even whole villages.
The dominant hand draws the primary set of shapes with the non-dominant aiding in two simple forms. Before the Abaki is spoken the hands come together to form a circle, the incantation to finalize the Working a single word: niytzotz. Bursting from the center of the hand-circle a stream of sparks. Depending on the amount of latent Meyda the sparks may cough and spit, or pour forth almost dangerously. Little use is found of this Trifling, though its flashy nature makes it a common Working for those who wish to show off.