See Eras of Attovia for a rundown on Era’s abbreviations and a short description of each.

The Great Conflict-7000AoC
The Birth of Death-6780AoC
Lielun’s RetreatLielun gives up on interceding in the Great Conflict and retreats entirely to her realm of the sky4880AoC
Continents CreatedLand is raised by Graskoroth2980AoC
Animals CreatedNeutral animals, humans, and the giants are created by Hormus to live on the land raised out of the sea by Graskoroth2730AoC
Elves CreatedHormus creates the Elves after his sorrow over the Human’s short lives. He grants them the seed of Ambar Tree2280AoC
Monsters CreatedGraskoroth births the monster races from the oceans1995AoC
Construction of Dragons-1830AoC
Rugadh EmergeThe ancient stone giant Aoire Sléibhe formed the first Rugadh Sliabh from the heart of Darkmount. They served him for millenia, and in return he taught them the secrets of the forge and anvil, providing them with unrivaled craftmenship among the sentient species.1780AoC
Krag the Quick-1600AoC
First WizardsHormus’ sorrow caused tears to fall from his eyes. These tears become God Stones and were granted to select sentient creatures who learned to wield the stones power.1580AoC
First Clerics and PaladinsPrimitive religious organization structures form around the worship of Hormus. Hormus grants his favor to some of those within.736AoC
Dragon Rebellion-470AoC
Mordechai Becomes a godMordechai one of the earliest wizards ascends to godhood through a powerful contract with the World Stone.440AoC
Monsters DefeatedThe monster races are fought back to what is modern day Grask Forest. They are not wiped out, but their numbers are diminished to a manageable point.345AoC
Hikari and Yami Born-80AoC
Demon Lords BornThe Hebdomad is spawned from Graskoroth’s rage to aid him in his battle with Hormus1ToT
First Fall of CivilizationThe spawning of the Demon Lords quickly turned the tide in Graskoroth’s favor, and budding civilizations were wiped out quickly. The only civilization’s left with minimal damage were the Rugadh deep in the mountains, and all those in the underdark tunnels who went largely ignored.70ToT
Tiefling OriginsThe 5th Demon Lord Akinisía suddenly manifested outside a town located near the modern day border between Zoher, Zyclester Empire and the Kingdom of Helva. Akinisía sat unmoving for well over a century, slowly corrupting the town who’s population rapidly exhibited strange physical mutations.285ToT
The First Dragonfall-520ToT
Hormus SunderedThe 7 demon lords tear Hormus into 7 pieces. Great God Stones of immense potency coalesce from the release of power caused by each tear.920ToS
Sorcerers BornHormus’ power infuses the entire planet with magic as the 7 parts of his body merge with Attovia’s crust. Sentient creatures are now occasionally born with innate magic. Some magical races and magical variants of animals form not long after as well. Those born with this magic became heroes to the sentient races, and uprisings began. Often quickly quelled by the Demon Lords, these rebellions rarely lasted long.1020ToS
The Binding of The HebdomadAn organization of wizards forms quickly after Hormus supposed defeat. They collect the 7 Great God Stones and after extensive study entrap each of the 7 Demon Lords in one stone.1520AoV
Beleg gúl’s genealogical monarchy beginsThe ancient kings and queens of Beleg gúl begin their reign as the world picks up the pieces post Demon Lord Caging.1740AoV
Desolation of Deep Home2200AoV
Birth of MammonMammon finally bursts from the World Stone due to the recent massive influx of mercantile pursuits.2520AoV
Warlocks SeenReligious organizations become popular. Many different gods and beings are worshiped including the occult. As pseudo countries begin to pop up, sacrifices and contracts are mad at the same time to unlock magical and political power.3320AoV
Zoher is FoundedZoher becomes the first officially recognized nation with a codified law system. Born from the Church of Hormus1AoN
Ornsiire FoundedCity state of Ornsiire founded100AoN
Ornsiire Becomes an EmpireOrnsiire begins diplomatic takeovers of many smaller city states usually by offering protection and resources. Their focus of a regimented structured militaristic society means threats are not taken lightly.200AoN
Claskaria Becomes SovereignKoch’dir, the 30th Divine Star to much controversy completes his mission of defining borders and making the necessary political connections to ensure Claskaria becomes recognized as a sovereign nation.2100AoN
The Magic WarRecent explosive progress in the study of magic and magical technology launches a deadly war over political power fueled by advancement.2789AoN
Zyclester Empire Established-2800AoN
The Magic War Ends-2801ToR
Kingdom of Helva EstablishedAfter the war many previously annexed or razed cities began to complain amongst eachother. Through an underground communications network they began to develop a system of law, and elected their first king. Before their Zoher and Zyclestian neighbors realized what had happened they had emassed enough populace to properly define borders. Due to the timing, no neighboring nations had time to waste not licking their own wounds, and so the Kindgdom of Helva became a long standing nation, with the first elected monarch.2846ToR
Shen Dynasty Rise to PowerThrough a strange power struggle based around baking and the training of bakers the Shen clan rises to power among the gnomes2900ToR
Modern Day-3251ToR