Much conflicting mythology resides around Mordechai. The reality of his pre-godhood, the legitimacy of the volume of his writing, his appearance and race, and to some his godhood in general. It is widely agreed however, that whoever wrote under the name or pseudonym Mordechai was one or many geniuses. The writings attributed him have each pushed forward Meyda-work, Fractalworking, and many aspects of societal quality of life. There are still Meyda-circles used hundreds of years after their discovery in Mordechai journals that remain a mystery to those who seek to understand them beyond their utility. The greatest catalog of his work appears to have been dedicated to Necromancy, and the vast majority of techniques used in Pseudo-necromancy are modifications or verbatim takes on Mordechai’s research.


Mordechai was most likely a Human, Elf or Gnome. Some convincing cases have been made for Mordechai having been a Krest, but substantial evidence can never be found. Due to a lack of consensus on appearance Mordechai remains undepicted, though on occasion statues of clothed figures with no facial features have been built for shrines, even these drive controversy with their relative height and proportions showcasing the artists inherent bias.


Mordechai is not worshiped by any large scale religions, but instead offerings are made to shrines in many cities by students and researchers of all kinds. It is believed that if you burn notes, journals, or other academic work at a shrine of Mordechai then you will be blessed with an epiphany or academic success.

Other Names

Some dispute the legitimacy of Mordechai’s name, seeing it as a constructed pseudonym, instead referring to the deity simply as M.