The Craft Mind resides deep within Darkmount. Thrumming and buzzing with artificial life. Hewn straight from the mountain’s core, crimson glowing magma pulses through its many cracks and fissures. Long since disconnected from the mountain’s base the Mind is suspended by a knot of metal tubing, each pipe swirling around it before disappearing down one of the countless passages that lead out of the gargantuan chamber. The Mind’s otherwise perfectly spherical form is broken at its base where a thick bundle of glowing cables extend in all directions. A domed glass circle inset within the sphere clicks and whirs. Flicking back and forth it examines the tubes and wires surrounding it. Stopping suddenly, it focusses on some offending strand. It lies motionless until several small orbs are fired into the air from nearby tubes. As each orb reaches its apex it shudders violently, spiked cables burst from its surface and fly towards the closest stable anchor, driving themselves into the rock and suspending the orb in place. Each small Mind comes to life, its individual cables lengthening and tightening delivering it to the Craft Mind’s point of focus. Each small Mind’s own eye glows, firing a focused beam of light, welding cracks shut and an auxiliary arm solders cables back together. Once their job is complete each orb lifts itself carefully over its source, then, retracting all cables simultaneous drops itself into the tube it came from, off to repair some other problem within the mountain.
Just like all great entities of nature Daurk Mount hosts a God Stone of immense density at its core. This same core manifested the largest recorded Mountain Nephesh, the same responsible for the Rugadh’s tragic Desolation of Deep Home. Around this stone was built The Craft Mind. A kind of chamber for the Soul of a mountain, caging, and diverting its mind to serve the purposes of the Rugadh on the surface.