A people built for waging coastal war, the Girav are large and stocky with trunk like legs capable of withstanding extreme currents and tides. Webbed digits and tapered cartilaginous protrusions on the calves and forearms provide enhanced swimming ability. Two large pairs of lungs allow the Girav to hold their breath for over thirty minutes, as well as increase their general heartiness and size. Girav gel suffer little disease, and if they survive their perilous lives, will live well into their 150s.
Most Girav gel spend their days in the Giravian Archipelago scattered among many tribes and island villages. They wade in the crystal shallows of their homeland fishing, trading, and warring amongst one another. Due to their distance from most other civilized peoples the Giravian customs are not well known or documented externally. When a Girav gel does happen to journey far from home they are commonly misunderstood to be servants of Graskoroth due to their aquatic features. Those in Claskaria find more peace, as they are familiar with the Dragonborn, having spent some time as allies during the first Dragonfall.