Anything provided a False Soul can be largely quantified as an Animated Object. The common folk would disagree, siting the bad form of playing with corpses and bones. But the only difference from a mobile suit of empty armor and skeleton is the packaging.
The more familiar an object to the mobility sphere of a typically alive creature, the easier it is to provide it simple instructions. Otherwise too much unfamiliarity disrupts the enchanter’s ability to form a proper image of how such an object would ambulate or gesture.

Creation Process

First the enchanter-to-be must find a Minor Stone suitable for the object in question. They then proceed with linking the two with either a Strand or Tether depending on the objects use case. Up to this point is well documented and there are some individuals capable of performing these Workings without consulting manuscripts. However, the encoding of instructions into the stone is still an unsolved problem among even the most brilliant minds that Work Meyda. Many of the Meyda-circles still used were originally reverse engineered or directly developed from Mordechai’s notes and journals.