Contracts come in several forms. They can be legitimate pen and paper signed in blood contracts, or more extravagant ritualistic contracts. Rituals often form bi-directional Tethers between one being and another. The word Contract does not quite capture the extent of impact and power to which this phenomenon is privy to, but it is perhaps the closest descriptive word that could be used.
Types of Contracts
Contract of Birth
The contract of birth is one unavoidable. The process of Begetting a being forms a Tether between the two. For this reason children often feel more emotionally connected to their mother. However the Contract of Bonds is capable of Tethering a father to their children as strongly if not stronger.
Contract of Blood
The contract of blood is formed through sacrifice of life essence which in turn forms a tether between the sacrifice and the rituals target. The ritual must contain life essence of or something else already tether to the desired Soul/False Soul.
Contract of Bonds
A more nebulous contract formed through extreme psychological connection. When the Tether is formed no one can say, but it does occur and most often with those in love. Contracts such as these have proven to form Tethers with a surprising strength, on occasion capable of even acting as a kind of Ogen, keeping the soul of a deceased member of the Contract from leaving the material world.
Contract of Belief
A sub-type to the Contract of Bonds, this contract is formed by shared belief in the truth of something. Be it as potent as the existence of a deity, or that lightning never strikes the same spot twice. Contracts of Belief are how many Luumara come into being.
Contract of Focus
A sub-type to the Contract of Bonds, this contract is formed by an intense focus on a Soul/False Soul by a sentient entity. The speed at which the contract completes is nebulously defined by the capacity to focus.
Contract of Agreement
The most typical contract seen among the general populace. Signed deeds to land, the Oaths taken by Paladins, the vow of a bride and husband. All of these are contracts of agreement, fundamentally the same in that the psychological impact of the agreement is strong enough to form the Tether.