Ancient Yewdi Saying
Even when the Serdtse Ochag fights strong, the wind bites stronger.
At first one might believe that anything capable of living in the frozen waists of Strana Gigantov must have come from Sheol or be born of Graskoroth’s hatred. But the Snezhnyye Lyudi or Yewdi as they are commonly called are a peaceful race who call one of the Great Shepherds their god and creator. They live a relatively structured tribal lifestyle that focuses heavily on community vs. the elements.
Yewdi all share a few distinct features that remain largely unchanging except when Tiefling mutations are present. Coarse white fur covers most of their body except for the palms, soles of feet, and the front of the face. Bushy eyebrows and a long single braid of a beard frame the only visible pale flesh. Large eyes with more pupil than white which change color slightly depending on the season1. Above the head, long rigid hairs sprout from the tips of the ears and reach a foot or two above the scalp.
Unique Features
Yewdi’s stiff ear hairs which they call Usik allow them to detect changes in barometric pressure, giving them the ability to sense changes in the weather.
Cold adaption
In conjunction with eyes that allow them to see in the dim light of winter, and their Serdtse Ochag2 an organ that produces a remarkable amount of heat which maintains homeostasis at very low temperatures, they are highly specialized for the turbulent frozen lands of Strana Gigantov.
They often struggle to work Meyda in the same way most other creatures do, but have generationally passed down Meyda-circles that hold either utilitarian or religious purposes.
Yewdi have a very atypical lifecycle. Similar to marsupials a pregnant mother will give birth to their child very early, and the child is then nurtured in a pouch around the female Yewdi’s upper torso until they are ready to meet the cold and snow on their own. Generally this timing is marked well by the child’s Serdtse Ochag which does not begin its fervent heat output until around 7 months post birth.
Idioms and Expressions
My Usik Tremble
Used to impress some urgency in beginning a course of action, usually a conversation but not always.
Examples: “Hurry, my Usik Tremble, we must leave.”, “We should begin, my Usik Tremble.”
Wrap the Pouch
Similar to let’s not beat around the bush. Expresses a sense of getting to the core of an issue or topic.
Warmth Forbid
Most often in reaction to bad news, omens, or something sorrowful.
Cold Serdtse
General insult implying immoral or generally poor character. Especially insulting when used for a fellow Yewdi.