Attributed to Aurelia Agnelli one of the first 7 wizards of the Crystal Guard

Though we meddle in things of higher plane, do not make of us an example to the future’s masses. We named these objects thus to preclude them with a social stigma: Such power is for the gods. If common people seek Meyda in such potency the continent will be more ocean than soil in time most short.

God Stone’s are formed when a very large amount of Meyda is released in a very short amount of time. The coalescing of this information dense matter hardens into what is known as a God Stone. God Stones vary in their magical power based on both their size, and the potency of the magic making them up. However, they are all extremely powerful. Unlike their duller Minor Stone counterparts God Stone’s often glow quite brightly, most commonly a shade of blue or purple God Stone’s can range across the visible spectrum of light and even in some rare cases the infrared. Many of Attovia’s most intelligent have devoted their entire lives to studying these stones, some spending the majority of their lives just to obtain one. Some notable uses include the binding stones used on the Seven Demon Lords of old, facilitating travel to and from the Luumara, many legendary magical items, and more recently the God Stone powered Meyda lines in Zyclest City.

Stone Memory

God Stone’s have a kind of simplistic reflection leftover within of the entity they are a remnant of. This is much like a Soul Memory but far more subtle and less detectable. Some believe that Minor Stone’s may also exhibit a kind of Stone Memory in regards to the collective consciousness that formed them but this has yet to be proven.

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