Age of Conflict
The largest span of known time, the Age of Conflict covers 7000 years of largely unknown history and is the age of mythology.
Start: 7000 AoC
End: 0 AoC
Times of Terror
Covering roughly 920 after the estimated birth of The Hebdomad. Civilization fell apart at the seams during this era of Attovian history, and it is said that little hope remained.
Start: 1 ToT
End: 919 ToT
Times of Sorrow
A 600 year period of true hopelessness after Hormus was sundered by The Hebdomad. During this time the Crystal Guard work’s in secret, broken up several times, and more than once requiring decades to a century of rebuilding.
Start: 920 ToS
End: 1519 ToS
Age of Vala
The continent wide plague, pestilence, and massacre is finally stopped, and for three millennia tiny populations struggle to survive against the remaining Monster Hordes.
Start: 1520 AoV
End: 4519 AoV
Age of Nations
The pieces have finally been picked back up and true progress begins to show itself as pocket nations and civilizations begin to form themselves from the ashes of a decimated world. Unfortunately with civilization comes war, it took some time but eventually it was not the Monsters that the civilized world feared.
Start: 1 AoN
End: 2800 AoN
Time of Rest
After the death toll of The Magic War many agreements were made to ensure peace where possible, and a new age was declared as a symbol of each nation’s desire for peace.
Start: 2801 ToR
Current: 3251 ToR