Yalad Neklaa is only several centuries old and does not know his parent’s name. It is rare that a new dragon is unlucky enough to be born. Only to discover his fate shortly after he becomes wise to the world and the workings of its magic. Yalad generally enjoys keeping an elven appearance under the name Dalan Klaaye, finding they are generally considered trustworthy by most peoples. He wears elaborate robes stolen from a wizard he tricked some 200 years ago. He has used his pleasing appearance to ingratiate himself with the denizens of the Eye of Hormus tribes. He often spends large amounts of time building up his image there, using magic to benefit the community, and has started turning their tents and lean-tos into thatch roof huts lining packed dirt streets. He seeks the glory of the sentient species, in the hopes that perhaps he may find some way to escape the fate of all Mach’shavah Chofesh. Due to his recent fame and rise in local renown Yalad has become a recent source of Meyda for Wizards who are shunned or severed from other sources.