A group of the wealthier citizens of Kochav have created a small neighborhood in which they control the housing market so as to ensure only those of the upper crust may live there. Primarily made up of aristocrats and politicians spurned by their home nation’s rules and regulations moving to Claskaria where they can use their wealth to create a level of status otherwise impossible.

The Big Three

A kind of hierarchy has formed based exclusively on wealth. The three richest individuals or families rule The Gilded Corner as though a miniature nation of pompous kings and queens.

Fillmore Stoneshire

Brother to Bradley Stoneshire of the Zyclester Empire Table, Fillmore was sick of the Table’s red tape and the constant ethical examinations of actions taken by him and his family. As a kind of protest he moved to Claskaria, but found the Gilded Corner quickly, and immediately moved to the top of the pecking order, having substantially more money than any other resident.

Alve Enlund

A Krigshertig who was unhappy with his inability to climb the Ornsiire Empire ranks. He lacked the charisma to build up and maintain a large enough force, his men always taking a chance to run off and serve a Krigsherre when the opportunity presented. Here his incredible wealth which he was so good at hording and investing has bought him a spot at the pinnacle of Claskaria’s upper class.

Annette Lindberg

Annette comes from a long line of aristocratic brats. A distant relative left the Ornsiire city state when Gnaeus Metellus was first taking charge, and developed the family’s wealth elsewhere. After the magic war the Lindberg’s setup in the Zyclester Empire for many generations before Annette, frustrated with her lacking influence left to find a home of more becoming attitudes. She is sorely disappointed in her third place position, and has a great disdain for the rules delineating her by wealth. She has used her guile and charisma to create a large group of followers and fellow dissenters. She plans to use this large subset of the upper crust’s population to overturn the Gilded Corner, and potentially Claskaria’s Government as a whole.