Check out the How to use One Shot Guides section of the DM Guide for structure explanations and guidelines.

Player Resources

Here are player handouts I created using homebrewery. These allow your players to have a list of Fire Actions, special status effects and track luminance.

Until Dawn

Player Vibe Blurb

The tiny hamlet of Mutka has been abuzz for the entire month of Paenui as the Fellowship of Flame and Sacrifice celebration quickly approached. Torso Olavi has been rehearsing the children’s favorite tales from The Book of Nefiqaddis, and Samuel Parstone’s accumulated stack of set aside wood now peaks above his small thatched roof. In just a couple hours six of the townsfolk will be chosen at random to watch and tend the fire till dawn.
The small place is aglow with anticipation and happy chatter. It is Old Marta alone who wears a frown. She smells a cold in the rustled leaves of the forest. The breath of the trees sours of something long forgotten. It hunts beyond their palisade of cheer. May the fire’s flame dim not.

Opening Set Piece

Everyone has gathered in the north-eastern corner of town where the bonfire will be lit. The golden glow of a sun almost down decorates the forest with richly draped tinsel, and the Samuel Parstone begins striking his flint and steel to set his horde of fuel alight.

Pre Nightfall


This is the segment in which players can interact with the townsfolk the most, any connections they previously made can come in handy for interactions initiated by NPCs

Pre Nightfall Set Piece

The whole town spends several hours around the roaring bonfire which Samuel continues to feed with logs he has been splitting for a solid month now. A large pile of wood still remains some 20 feet from the flames to be used by whoever must tend the fire till the morning.

Torso Olavi

tells stories of myth and legend till the children begin to nod off.

Olavi's TORSO

A doppelganger will show up later attempting to infiltrate the fire tender’s circle of safety, this shapeshifter will be wearing a long robe that covers his intact torso. Ensure that you express but not overly so, how Olavi always leaves his sacrificial midriff exposed so that player’s have the potential to come to the conclusion that something is wrong without feeling like they are meta-gaming.


Presiding over the large communal stewpot, she is much grouchier than normal, something on the wind is wrong, the clouds have covered the sun almost the whole day, and it is a leap year.

The Eskola Family

Felnor and Tähti are helping portion out the stew and maintain its levels while Marta tends to it. They are also managing Marta, so as to not bring a dour mood to the festivities.

Essi is listening fondly to the priests tales.

Eliina is taking soup to the Marke Family, Mauno, and Raimond, any of the elderly really, and ensuring they are comfortable throughout the evening.

Fabó Vilmos

Fabó is sitting on a stool next to his kegs, happily poring pints to whoever asks, and fending off anyone he believes is already inebriated enough.

The Marke Family

Veera has brought a large blanket she has been knitting for well over a year now, and herself, her husband Edvin, Mauno and Raimond are all keeping warm underneath it.

Szilárd Simon

Szilárd seems a bit lost, but meanders around the pyre holding a pint of Fabó’s beer and talking with those he passes.

Zente Sándor

Zente is one of the few who has taken Marta’s warning seriously, he stands at a distance, between the fire and the forest line, his bow in hand and his quiver full.


Under the Marke family blanket, Raimond is trying to convince Eliina to get him another pint though he is already displaying elevated levels of drunkeness.

The Ahti Family

Mauno sits next to Raimond who he fishes with often. They swap drunken stories and sing Zoherian folk songs off key.

Liluth helps Eliina care for the elderly, which allows her to be near her husband.

Aatami sits with the other children listening to Olavi, his attention fixed on the small priest.

Beginning of the Fire Tending

At a certain point when the fire’s brightest has been burnt the children have gone to bed, and Raimond softly snores against Edvin’s shoulder, Olavi takes a small box from inside his hut and carries it back to the fire light. In it are the names of all who have volunteered to be candidates for fire tenders. A reverent hush settles on those who remain aware of their surroundings as Olavi begins pulling from the box, each member called is expected to walk forward, accept the slip of paper, and say “I accept my service of the Fire’s Tending with the honor of sacrifice”:
Timo Toomas
Balmere Bigbottom
Kati Kroon

The End of Festivities

The announcement of the Fire Tenders acts as a kind of unofficial end of ceremonies and those not pulled from the hat, including Olavi filter off to their small but happy homes to sleep late into the following morning.

Night Falls

Night Fall Set Piece

Perhaps it is Olavi’s divine connection, perhaps it is the compression of time as the night wears on, but it feels as though mere seconds after the last citizen has found their way home that the final feeble rays of the sun wink out, and the only light is the now softer gleam of the bonfire.
If you sit at the edge of the light you can watch the shadows dance on Olavi’s hut some eighty feet away, but as time passes, and the fire’s height descends, your dimming circle of warmth and comfort becomes cleanly encapsulated by a dome of inky blackness. Normally with eyes unburdened by a roaring pyre, Yähti’s light would gently bathe your surroundings in a twilight hue. But the clouds Marta muttered about now form a blockade against the Platinum Queen’s light.

Player Reengagement

Now we start our Fire Rounds. See the table of important events and environment changes.

Zitón’s Plan

Zitón's Desire

Zitón has singled out Olavi as a prime candidate for possession. He seeks to take over the mind and body of one closely tied to Hormus. But the divinely blessed flame that the Fire Tender’s stoke keeps his power in check. He will throw as much as he can at them as the night wears on in the hopes that their fire dies. If it does so for more than three Fire Rounds in a row he will do so, and the game will end. In this case read Zitón Succeeds.

Fire Rounds

Fire Rounds

In total the players must survive 36 fire rounds, in total six hours of fending off the dark. There are a number of actions that can be taken during a round or multiple rounds. The Fire Actions section lists these actions, what they encompass, and the number of rounds they require. If something were to interrupt a multi-round action you may continue it after the interruption.



The luminance of the fire will fluctuate during the night based on the actions made by players and attacks from outside forces. It has six stages listed below. At the beginning of nightfall the fire is Burning. If a Fire Round goes by and neither the Coax the Flame or Feed the Flame action has been completed by default the Luminance decreases by one.

BlazingSame as below plus all players immune to Chilled and Light cannot be in Complication. During combat all Fire Tenders have advantage on Attack rolls.
DancingAdvantage on checks made to Brave the Night
FlickeringCoax the Flame and Feed the Flame require twice as many participants to complete.
SmolderingSame as above plust disadvantage on checks made to Brave the Night and Light cannot be in Abundance.
Dead as NightSame as above plus all players must take the Reignite action, have Disadvantage on Constitution saving throws, and Heat cannot be in Abundance.



Resources are different general classifications of tangible or intangible things which can be in one of two states: Abundance or Complication. All Resources begin in Abundance at the start of Nightfall.




When a resource is in Abundance any action that requires it can be completed with ease. Some resources being in Abundance also grant bonuses or advantages to the group.



When a resource is in Complication it does not mean directly that the resource is scarce or non-existent. Perhaps the wood was scattered across the ground, or some Meyda-work is dimming the Light. Let players collaborate with you and be creative about how these problems can be solved or what checks must be made to circumnavigate them. In most cases players must use the Brave the Night action to change a Complication to an Abundance.

Fire Actions

Coax the Flame

Coax the Flame

When you take this action you must get one other player to join you in it for the round. You spend the full round tending embers and rolling logs to maintain the fire’s output. Luminance will remain at its current level for this round.

Feed the Flame

Feed the Flame

When you take this action you must get one other player to join you in it for the round. You spend the full round stoking the flames and adding new logs to the pile. Luminance increases by one stage. Both players roll DC 8 Survival checks, on any failure Fuel’s state becomes Complication.



This action is not available unless Luminance is at or below Smoldering. All players must participate in this action together during a Fire Round. If any player is unable to participate in this action it cannot be completed. Each player rolls a DC 10 (if Morale is in Complication roll at disadvantage) Survival check, no matter what the Luminance level resets to Burning, but if at least three players fail the check Fuel’s status becomes Complication.



When you choose this action you can select any number of other players, you cannot fraternize by yourself, to spend ten minutes talking. Come up with an interaction to roleplay together, or roll on the Interaction Table. If this action is taken by at least half the group than Morale switches to Abundance if it wasn’t already. In addition if the DM thinks the interaction deserving the players may earn inspiration through this action.

Interaction Table
1What was the last thing you two argued about?
2What do you admire most about them?
3What embarrasing thing did you see them doing?
4What was the last compliment they gave you?
5What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve seen them doing?
6What was the last thing you heartily agreed about?
7What did you hear them say in their sleep?
8What’s the last meal you shared and both enjoyed?
9What do they smell like?
10Tell us about the last time they made you laugh?
11What did they say that insulted you?
12What’s the nickname you call them?
13What do you find unsettling about their appearance or behavior?
14How have you recently bonded?
15What’s the last piece of advice they gave you?
16What did you overhear them saying about another person?
17How would you improve their appearance to help them find a mate?
18What’ the last piece of advice you gave them?
19Why do you trust them?
20What common interest do you share?
21Who is your worst enemy?
22What is your favorite holiday?
23Where do you feel most safe?
24What is your most treasured possession?
25What do you wish you could do that you can’t?
26Do you like to cook? If so, what’s your best dish?
27One of your parents said something to you that you’ll never forget. What are the words that will always echo in your ears?
28Do you have any allergies or sensitivities?
29What is the one major regret you have about your life so far?
30Have you ever been arrested?
31Is there anything that can get a smile out of you no matter how sad or upset you are?
32What is the best meal you ever had?
33What is your romantic history?
34What is the best romantic relationship you have ever had?
35What is the worst romantic relationship you have ever had?
36Would you ever cheat on a romantic partner?
37What’s the luckiest thing that ever happened to you?
38What’s the worst stroke of fortune you ever had?
39If you had nearly unlimited wealth, what would you spend it on?
40Who’s the craziest person you have ever known, and what was your relationship with them?
41What is the worst tragedy you have ever witnessed?
42What are your parents’ names?
43How do you celebrate your victories and successes?
44What sort of legacy do you wish to leave behind?
45What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
46What person has most influenced your development as an adult?
47In romantic relationships, what is your “type”?
48Did you have any heroes as a child?
49What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
50Who was your best friend during childhood?
51Describe your dream home.
52What is the most cruel and hurtful thing you have ever said? Do you regret it?
53Describe your childhood home.
54What do you believe to be your purpose in life?
55How do you view the opposite sex?
56What do you consider to be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
57What do you consider to be the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen?
58Do you feel responsible for anyone besides yourself?
59Do you have a sense of “personal space”? How do you express it?
60Have you ever had a mentor? Who was it?
61How do you feel about the concepts of fate and destiny?
62Is there anyone whose forgiveness you desire? What for?
63Where is your home town? What is it called?
64Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.
65Do you have any siblings? If so, describe them.
66Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?
67How do you think others generally perceive you?
68What would you die for?
69What do you expect to get out of being an adventurer (satisfaction, glory, money, redemption, etc.)?
70Do you have any dreams or ambitions?
71Are you greedy or generous?
72What are your most annoying habits?
73Do you believe in the gods?
74What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do?
75Who trained you in your class?
76Did you have any pets as a child?
77What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
78Do you have any biases for or against certain races?
79Do you ever want to “settle down” with a spouse, children, house, etc.?
80What are you the most insecure about?
81Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that you long to find?
82What do you think is the true meaning of life?
83What is your favorite spell/ personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
84What is your greatest achievement?
85What type of creature in the world are you the most intrigued by?
86Describe how you feel about the party’s current situation/objective/etc.
87What memory do you want to forget the most?
88What unusual talents do you possess?
89What is your guiltiest pleasure?
90How did you learn the languages that you speak?
91What is most important to you: health, wealth, or happiness?
92What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself?
93Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
94How do you deal with stress?
95Did you have a childhood nickname?
96Do you have someone you wish to impress? Why?
97Do you have children of your own? If so, what are they like?
98Do you have any catchphrases?
99Do you have any vices?
100How do you not fit your culture’s or race’s stereotype?

Brave the Night

Brave the Night

This action is taken primarily when a player or players want to alter a Resource’s status from Complication to Abundance. They work with the DM to determine a relevant course of action and whether or not it can be completed by them alone or requires additional help. Brave the Night should almost always include at least one skill check, and upon failure should place Morale into Complication.

Dynamic Meyda-work

Dynamic Meyda-work

You take 10 minutes to cast a single spell in a specific way, this can have a variety of effects depending on what you the player can come up with and what the DM deems reasonable. For example fireball could be used to raise Luminance, or remove the Chilled effect.

Ritual Spell

Ritual Spell

Cast a ritual spell. Similarly to Dynamic Meyda-work this can have a variety of effects.



If combat occurs during a Fire Round, any participant in the conflict cannot take any other Fire Action for the duration of that round. Any characters not participating in combat is considered blinded, if they take damage during the fight they must roll a Concentration check. On a failure their chosen Fire Action does not fulfill.
If Luminance



You may spend a Fire Round doing nothing but resting and warming yourself by the flame. You may use one hit dice to regain hp, and have advantage on Constitution and Charisma Saving Throws until the start of the next Fire Round

Important Events and Environment Changes


Events occur before the start of the Fire Round they are listed in. Any status effect they inflict begins at the start of that same round.

Optional Events

Any event followed by (Optional) should be used at the DMs discretion. If your player’s are getting good rolls and fending off the dark abnormally well, throw in some Optional events to increase status effects, and Complications. Try to keep the tension up!

Special Status Effects



At the start of each Fire Round make a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw, on a success you are no longer Chilled. If Heat is in Abundance you make this Saving Throw with advantage. While Chilled you must make a DC 10 Survival check to participate in Coax the Flame or Feed the Flame, on a failure instead of Fuel becoming Complicated the action simply doesn’t yield any benefits. Disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws.

Overcast Heart

Overcast Heart

At the start of each Fire Round make a DC 13 Charisma Saving Throw, on a failure you are unable to participate in any joint activity for that round. On a success this effect ends. If Morale is in Abundance you make this Saving Throw with advantage.

Overwhelming Terror

Overwhelming Terror

Overwhelming Terror lasts only a single round, and at the start of the next round is replaced by Overcast Heart. A character suffering from Overwhelming Terror is unable to participate in any Fire Action, instead spending the round cowering from the dark.

Event Snippets

A Strange Calm

A Strange Calm

As the lot of you tend to your duties, the generally good natured quiet becomes strangely oppressive. Mutka’s normal symphony of wildlife has deserted you. No frogs chirp at the river side, no crickets sing, and not a sound but the rush of blood in your own ears can be heard.

A Sudden Chill

A Sudden Chill

The odd quiet persists unnaturally long, and just when the non-mundanity of the phenomenon begins to dawn on you a sudden gust of biting cold rushes over your sanctuary of light. The fire loses gusto, and your skin pricks in response to the sudden temperature drop.

Effects Chilled for one round.

Luminance -1 at the start of this round. All characters roll DC 8 Constitution saving throws or become

Olavi’s Double Checks In

Olavi's Double Checks In

You hear a scuffle outside of the lights ring of safety. Olavi steps into the circle in a long robe. Despite its full coverage his arms are crossed over his chest as he rubs his shoulders with his hands for warmth.


Is everything alright out here? I was woken by a chill and thought I saw the fire dim.

Olavi's Doppelganger

Olavi’s Doppelganger if not caught by any player will attempt to sabotage the fire. If a player suspects the Doppelganger they can roll a DC 5 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success they have come to the conclusion that this is not the true Olavi, otherwise they think nothing of him. If no player catches on then at the start of the next round Olavi’s Doppelganger uses a simple Working to throw a mass of dirt onto the fire lowering its Luminance by two and negating any Coax the Flame or Feed the Flame actions.
If fought and killed the Doppelganger does not douse the fire in earth, but no other actions can be taken that round.

Olavi's Doppelganger Changing

If you have never heard a Doppelganger’s changing count yourself among the lucky throng. There is a foreignness to the noises made when the solid and fluid portions of a body are married to the orchestration of internal deconstruction. Though it happens quickly, few can forget what being turned inside out must sound like.

Doppelganger Stats

Effects Fire Rounds if the Doppelganger's body remains in the fire's light Morale is placed into Complication

At the start of future

Cacophony of Whispers

Cacophony of Whispers

The air’s stale sound suddenly erupts in a mass of cacophonous whispers. It as as though the night’s own thousand mouths speak directly into each of your ears.

Effects Complication. Any player who fails gains the Overcast Heart status.

Each character must roll a DC 15 Charisma Saving Throw or hear their deepest regrets, their greatest fears, and their gravest sorrows. If at least two fail the check Morale’s status becomes

Zitón Speaks

Zitón Speaks

Suddenly you hear something like the sound of broken glass being ground against a steel chest plate. This indiscernible avalanche of sound makes your teeth and fingernails ache, and when its alien oral nature is revealed to you your head joins in on the pain. It speaks in its sharp gravely tones.


I greet thee o’ Fire Tender. Zitón first Wraith of the Lord of Darkness. This night most dark upon which ye lay ruin with a sun’s measly approximation, is to me as the canvas of an artist, or the page of the author. Grand shadows shall I make dance through thine mortal, unenlightened minds until even hope, that insubstantial glimmer your feeble kind who wallow in the muck and mire of mundanity find so powerful, until even hope, is as the crumbling charcoal of your pitiful flame.

Effects Overwhelming Terror status. Morale's status becomes Complication.

Each character must roll a DC 15 Charisma Saving Throw or gain the

Shower of Boulders

Shower of Boulders

You hear a rumbling sound, more natural than the grating of that ethereal voice. It grows in volume rapidly until it is upon you. Pebbles first, then stones one might use for skipping, and finally true and proper boulders begin cascading through your circle of light.

Effects Luminance decreases by one, and Fuel's status becomes Complication

Each character must roll a DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage, taking half as much on a success.
In addition

Zitón Goads (Optional)

Zitón Goads

The sound of avalanching melds back into that hideous voice.


I see. The Abaki appears to have known. Ye are not the rabble expected of a dismal abode such as this. I shall put fervor to my Workings as I have not in many of your so called life times. I urge thee, Fire Tender, to watch thine ember with closeness keen.

Effects Complication.

Zitón summons two Dust Mephit’s within the circle of light. On their first turns the Mephit’s will attempt to use their Blinding Breath on the fire. If they succeed each reduces Luminance by one. If both succeed Light is put into

Phantasmal Illusions

Phantasmal Illusions

The sound of earth being scored as though with a large tree branch can be heard just outside visibility. A faint cackle is heard shortly after before each of you is struck with a mental wave of stimulus. Each of you sees the light go out, and from the black ground crawls forth the unimaginable hordes of a corrupted Sheol.

Effects Fire Round

Each Fire Tender must roll a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save they are under the effects of the Phantasmal Force Spell and are also considered to have been in combat for this

Flash Flood (Optional)

Flash Flood

For a moment you think you can hear the babbling of the Dami River, but even before the otherworldly silence had fallen on you that noise was distant. This sound grows until you begin to see a black fluid begin to seep into the light. It appears more viscous than water, and appears to be absorbing the light that bounces off of it. Before you know it, you are all standing ankle deep in it, and the embers of the fire have died. Only the top of the fire still gives light and warmth, and it teeters dangerously as its supports soak.

Effects Luminance is reduced by two, Light and Heat become a Complication. and all creatures standing in the muck have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. The strange fluid does not go away on its own, but can be removed using either a spell or a Brave the Night action. If the fluid is still present at the start of a Fire Round Luminance decreases by 1.

Zitón Shows Himself

Zitón Shows Himself

Its back. That voice that will haunt you till your grave and perhaps after.


He seeks to make time mine enemy. That heart of ember hot shall scorch me no longer. Through you I must walk to my escape. Such shall begin my own festivities. Welcome Fire Tenders, to my revelry in your demise.

Through the inky shroud steps something that struggles to separate from the darkness. Like a stubborn grub pulled from soil it detaches itself from the night and steps into your haven of safety. It has substance for something made of naught but shadow. Its very presence makes you sick to your stomach, and it lurches forward, tendrils of shade reaching toward you with an evil you feel infect your mind.

Effects Luminance is at least Dancing all of the Wraith's enemies have advantage to hit. If Luminance is at or below smoldering the Wraith has advantage to strike his enemies.

Combat begins against Zitón. He will flee if his HP falls below 20. He also has an additional two legendary actions which he may use to take the Life Drain or Create Specter action. If

Zitón Is Rebuffed

A screech tears across you, your ears bleed, and your bones hurt from a vibration that causes your vision to become cloudy. Zitón’s form of shadow begins to fall away from him and the shredded remnants of this incorporeal version are pulled back into the night.

Zitón’s Wrathful Smite

Zitón's Wrathful Smite

It is not long after Zitón’s retreat that you quickly realize the dome of shadow pressing in on your precious light has not retreated. Zitón is not finished with you yet. Out from the night his voice scrapes, weaker now, but no less traumatic.


By thine limited gracious Tethered binding, grant unto me Lord Graskoroth a black flame by which I may pierce that most ignoble blight on my Master’s shaded presence.

A thin line of darkness forms in the center of the fire, and from above a massive ball of dark fire strikes the pyre. The black and the bright appear to tussle in the embers and flames that lick at log and coal, and after a desperate struggle the light is overtaken.

Effects Chilled becomes Smoldering, all characters must roll a DC 14 Constitution saving Throw or become Chilled. Heat, Light, and Fuel become a Complication.

Game End Scenarios

Zitón Succeeds

Zitón Succeeds

A broken cackle echo’s loudly across the hamlet, and for a brief moment the blackness of the world holds strange semblance of form, before it rushes past the defeated Fire Tenders to a Olavi’s hut.
The sounds of the night return in sudden, full force, and Yäht’s light shines through a hole in the clouds. All is as it was before the night of terror began. Except for one. As consciousness leaves you, all anyone can think of is their beloved Priest, alone in his bed.
In the late morning the townsfolk gather to clean up the remnants left from the previous night. Olavi steps out of his thatch roofed home, and walks with his normal sturdiness to join the group. All of you watch him with surprise, he flashes a smile to each of you in turn, and you swear for a moment, that you see a shadow pass over the white of his eyes. But it is gone as quick as a blink and you are left to ponder if the previous night was but a bad dream.

Zitón Fails

Zitón Fails

As the first rays of dawn kiss the treetops a soft low groan can be heard, and the veil of shadow that has surrounded the Fire Tenders falls away revealing a world that in only six hours had grown as distant as Yähti herself. No remnant of the many phenomenon you experienced remain, Mutka is as it should be, undisturbed in its beautiful simplicity. You must rest now, the cleanup of the ashes can be done by the townsfolk. You have done your duty above and beyond expectations, but you may always fear the night.