In the past the Table of Judges’ formation was a rigorous process in which candidates of eclectic backgrounds and walks were considered heavily before a final decision was made. In modern times this process is not but a formality to appease the general populace. Everyone who’s anyone knows that the table ensures its power by tightly controlling anyone who would attempt to take an empty seat. Their wealth and influence is considered heavily, their impact on the tables power is considered most heavily, and they are interviewed by the table several times before acceptance. Bringing in someone who might provide a more expansive view to the table’s narrow vision is not longer tolerated.
In its golden years at the empire’s inception the Table was made with 33 seats in mind. After centuries of peace and power plays there a just 7. Currently 2 seats stand empty and the search for these new members is ongoing.
Ellis Stone - Half Elf
Ellis was picked for the Table due to her connection with the Chain Keepers, and her history of successfully executed assassinations and operations that completely destroyed the Flush cracking industry and crime ring within Zyclest City. Her father was killed by the brat of a slum lord, and her vengeance was swift and complete.
Tabitha Brentwood - Human
Tabitha is an anomaly at the table. A rare choice made purely on merit. Discovered by Maximilian as a street urchin when she was finally caught for playing tricks on the local upper crust with her unnaturally comprehensive knowledge of Meyda-circles. She fiddles in her free time, and is in charge of law in regards to imbedded Workings and experimentation. She is almost certainly the most intelligent person in the entire city.
The loss of her mentor Maximilian does not appear to effect her competency at The Table, but anyone close to her knows her current struggle.
~~Maximilian Decker - Girav gel ~~
The bastard son of a previous judge at the table. He is the level head in the room. Attempting to balance and unite the polarizing opinions in the room. When he is not keeping Ellis from slitting Bradley’s throat, he is inspecting military documents, overseeing new weaponry projects, and pushing for an increase in their defense budget.
Recently Deceased (see Unheist the Wizard)
Bradley Stoneshire - Nammalian
If it was not for his vast wealth Bradley would have little reason to be a Judge. When his place was questioned, the Meyda pipes ceased function for an entire week, and no government budgets could be resolved until he was “properly apologized to”. Though his means are nasty, cutthroat, and his attitude vulgar, his business acumen is no joke. The Zyclest Empire was floundering when the emperor was lost, and the only thing keeping the nation from going into complete anarchy is the tubby, red haired Nammalian peering over the top of the Table’s edge.
Cecilia Wickes - Human
Cecilia is, put nicely, a politician. She is the face of the Table. When civil unrest rises she puts on airs, and parades about with Bradley’s money, a new invention of Tabitha’s, or “secret” projects launched by Ellis to quiet and appease the angry masses. Cecilia will do whatever it takes to ensure the Table’s legitimacy is not questioned, even if it means shoving her compatriots under the cart.
Marju Stoneshire - Nammalian
The daughter of Bradley Stoneshire, Marju was very recently muscled into her spot on the table via her families financial power.