Church of Hormus temples are full of symbolism, each body part is represented in some portion of the architecture and construction process.
Temples are built with two eye shaped stained glass windows which look across from the side walls. Sunlight streams unburdened through the pupil in a clean beam during the morning and the evening, the surrounding yellow stained glass in the rest of the eye shape sheds an even golden glow through the room. The beam of sunlight is used to track time by priests and visitors.
There are several texts written by some of the first Sundered Priests which the CoH uses, depending on the location and preferences of local priests one of these texts will be presented in the Head, a crucible shaped alter to knowledge in which the book is placed like a brain in a cranium.
Arm & Hand
Strong pillars shaped like extended arms lifting the roof into place represent both the strength of the arms and the protection of the hands which cap the pillars palms pressed flat into the beams.
A large Meyda-circle is carved into the stone foundation the temple is built on, a special rite before the construction of the temple begins sets this circle to be active for the foreseeable future. All who enter the temple with no ill-intentions will leave it feeling a subtle sense of invigoration. Travelers, and those who feel run down may receive a much needed pick-me-up just by spending 30 minutes to an hour in a temple’s walls.
The large load bearing beams and corner posts of the temple are considered the representation of the Leg.
The Temple as a whole is said to be an all encompassing representation of the Torso, bringing a sense of vitality and peace to the surrounding area. Improving all who enter and surround. The healing that occurs within, and the societal healing without are all aspects of the torso.