Believed to have been coined by Mordechai himself The Unworked refers to a conceptual catalog of Workings devised in theory yet impossible, or unproven in practice. Below are several examples of famous Unworkings found in assorted writings both Mordechai’s and others. It is common for Unworkings to be named in simplistic Abbaki for consistency’s sake.


From a scrap of parchment discovered in 1364 AoN

It can be logically derived from common Ashem techniques that one might escalate the referential duplication of a Marked source object beyond that of sensory trickery. Indeed I find it quite likely that the manifestation of normally unmakeable structures thanks to complexity could be achieved via extending the Ashem Workings.

Perhaps not the earliest note in regards to the Shibut idea: That a Meyda-worker could duplicate an item in its entirety using similar techniques to that of common illusion Workings. Vast amounts of wealth have exchanged hands at the mere prospect that such a Working could prove real. Every nation at one time or another contributed substantially to Wizards’ coffers in the hopes that they would be the first to acquire such a wonderous tool. But in each and every attempt, the funding proved ineffectual in pushing the innovation forward.


Scribbled in the back of Mad Men

There are many times on this fetid path I’ve taken lined with simpletons’ corpses that I wish for but one thing: To extract their mind and be done with it.
Every time I must sit and mentally romp in their filth through “interview” I am driven closer to the brink these men threw themselves off in the first place.
If my assumptions of the Soul are correct, and my experience with Blood Dragons is devoid of uniqueness then surely one could transcribe the words and imagery bouncing around these empty skulls with the proper Circle.

No one is sure if Mordechai ever devised the Circle he spoke of for the retrieval and processing of one’s memories. The theory holds water to many Wizards but no notes were ever found of Mordechai’s attempt if he did indeed make one, and no one else knows where to start. It would require another mind of unparalleled brilliance and perhaps cruelty to even truly begin removing Zichkra from The Unworked.