When the first wizards began to experiment with the God Stones granted to them by Hormus they quickly discovered the building blocks of the Astrostone. What is now a fundamental stepping stone in the process to learn magic left the early wizards astounded. When drawing a set of concentric circles who’s diameters are in a ratio of 1:3 a God Stone or Minor Stone placed in the center will slowly rise into the air and hover. At first this alone was remarkable, but it was not until Perival Celestius took careful measurements that they discovered the stone was rotating slowly, not only this but its rotation matched the speed at which the sun moved around the planet. Several months of furious research later and Perival had a simplistic model of Attovia’s rotation, and orbit around the sun. This also revealed to extremely early denizens of Attovia that their home was in fact a sphere, and that in reality they moved around their star.