The soft, almost silent clinking of the keeper’s chain never alerts you in time. Prowling the alleys and streets of Zyclest City, the practiced hand of the Chain Keeper smothers the cities dark crevices and corners with justice. Once the Chain has you there is not escape. Dressed in yellow, green, or red robes, the glistening silver tool of the Chain Keeper glints proudly, begging to be noticed and respected.
Initiates have just been accepted into the office of Chain Keeper and continue to train heavily in the fundamental use of their imbued chain. They are used most often to address general disputes and complaints around the city, learning as they go with a Link to guide them
After one year of successfully operating as an Initiate and having no blemishes on their record, an Initiate becomes a Link in a short but official ceremony. They are now allowed on much more dangerous operations, and will also lead one ore more Initiate’s on operations they themselves lead. Occasionally Links who do not find great success in the field will become managerial or desk workers who provide aid to Shackle’s conducting investigations, and run payroll, and bookkeeping.
Moving from Link to shackle is not as simple as time spent operating with a clean record. Shackle’s lead dangerous operations, and are often chosen for their ability to conduct more specialized detective work after they have proven themselves for several years at a high capacity.
There is only one Chain per Chain Keeper operation in a given city. Everyone reports to their Chain and he oversees the full scale movement of the organization as a whole. He functions as the face of the organization in his city and will also be on the front lines when conducting extremely dangerous operations like raids. Shackle’s and Link’s cannot begin anything more involved than patrols and dispute management without the Chain signing off on it.