After Graskoroth’s rage subsided post Dragon Rebellion , he gathered his wits and returned to the nest he had given the dragons to repurpose it. He had used considerable magic to facilitate its affects. When he arrived he found two unhatched eggs, one as white as snow, the other drawing light into its pitch black surface. This time the evil kraken decided to prolong the gestation of these eggs as long as possible. He would infuse them with as much energy as he could before they were even impressionable. Several centuries later the eggs hatched. By this point the dragons who clawed their way from those great shells were more powerful than their predecessors and had yet to set foot in the real world. Graskoroth continued to infuse them with power, growing them, corrupting them… or so he thought. Hikari named for her bright white scales resisted the shadow magic used by her evil master. She quickly caught on to the Kraken’s intentions and began to plot with her brother. Yami, named for his hauntingly black scales, listened to his sister. He had been corrupted, his body, largely composed of shadow magic absorbed the corruption of Graskoroth eagerly. Yami wanted to escape, he knew if given time he could surpass his ‘father’, rule the monsters, and even the pesky land dwelling do-gooders. So, for the time being he would follow his sister.
Hikari and Yami’s escape was uneventful, and for several years they lived free. But Graskoroth’s recently created Demon Lords hunt them down no matter where they escape to. After several decades on the run, the twins decide they cannot stay on Attovia. Over the course of two more decades the twins study and experiment while on the run. After killing a crafty Green dragon, they utilize its God Stone heart to power their spell. When the spell finishes Hikari and Yami find themselves on a desolate, lifeless planet. Hikari’s light causes small white flowers to bloom wherever she spends time, but Yami’s casted shadow wilts and damages wherever he goes. Soon they begin to spat and fight like siblings do, but on a scale of power even the most mighty of mortals would fear. Each began to create dragonborn from the soil of the moon. Over the course of centuries their equal power meant that each controlled one half of the moon’s surface, now having civilized the entire surface, a viscous battle line is perpetually fought on its circumference.