From 7250 BN - 6350 BN, over a millennia, Graskoroth attempted to take Hormus’ creation and twist it to his own ends. He took plants and created poisons, but nothing substantial. He tried birds and the Roc was born, but outside of sheer power and size difference it lacked the intelligence to follow orders. He took spiders and their giant brethren were formed. Unfortunately with far fewer places to escape bright light and predators, the large spiders retreated to forests and the Goweh, steering clear from populated areas. Finally, he found the lizard. Something about its cold blooded nature appealed to the Kraken. Graskoroth took extra time with the lizard, several centuries of off and on cultivation and corruption. Over the course of many generations and culling, the first dragon was formed. The dragon held immense magical power, and was the first creature Graskoroth created with the potential of growth. The longer a dragon lived the more powerful it became. A design that made dragons perfect for destroying Hormus’ sentient, learning races.