During the Rugadhian golden age of craftsmanship, the Rugadh used the hot belly of Darkmount to fashion armaments of unmatched quality. Here in the very depths of the mountain around her heart a sprawling capital hewn from the stone itself lay. A paragon of industry, a beacon of Rugadhian pride and a long distant memory. The Rugadh dug deep, requiring more furnaces and using more ore and magma than the Nephesh of the mountain would allow. Its ancient Soul awoke and a massive lumbering form of rock and flaming lava larger than the great shepherds of old descended on the unexpecting civilization. The Rugadh fought the mountain for over a year, using their incredible minds to slow and harry the creature at every step. It was The Architect who finally brought the great Soul to its knees, thus christening his weapon Fathach Bristeoir in the Meyda which poured forth. However, it was too late. The rubble of that glorious city their sole reward.