The planet of Attovia has a very uniform orbit of 350.10 days.
Taken from the elves old calendar Ambar day is the current widely accepted first day of the week. Each year starts exactly on an Ambarday. Except every 10 years in which (last day of the week) occurs twice in a row to account for a noticeable offset.
Commonly thought to have originated from the Rugadh Sliabh named after their god Aoire Sléibhe, and slowly mutated over time after being adopted by the Zoher calendar.
Also referred to as the day of weakness, this week gets its unfortunate name from The Hebdomad, specifically Atonía Lord of Weakness.
Referring to the planets own name, ancient superstition about offsetting the bad luck of Atonday has seeped into the general culture of the continent and thus tovday is a common day for festivals and parties.
Named after the first ever Head Priest of the Church of Hormus Uhrata Kaikki.
Named after Krag the Quick.
Long since shortened from the previous Hormusday, Mosday is the seventh and last day of a Zoherian week.
The Zoher Calendar months are taken from the elvish words for their numerical order, keeping things consistent and easy.