Cast to Attovia’s planes from its own brilliant moon, dragonborn arrive on the planet as falling stars, smoldering in an atmosphere warmed egg they stumble into the world bewildered, sent as a missionary force by their Dragon Queen Hikari. The majority of these falling eggs land in the current Claskarian Theocracy but on rare occasion upper atmosphere storms and fronts knock the eggs off course, landing them all across the continent.
If you were to look outside of Claskaria you would find few Dragonborn. They arrive into the world only one of two ways. Sent to the planet from their home world Yähti by the great brightmother Hikari. Or born of two dragonborn already sent to Attovia. Dragonborn of pure color are extremely rare, requiring two parents of the same tone, or to have been sent as an egg from their celestial home world.
Silver dragonborn are some of the most rare, and often make their way into the upper echelon of Kochavism as they are sought after representatives of Hikari.