A race of gargantuan humanoids with stone/carbon composite flesh, their impossible frames powered by a God Stone heart. A deep understanding of the contractual laws of physics and matter allows them to create carbon based life forms. However, without an Ember they are only capable of creating non sentient life forms. Such Abbaki like Hormus utilize this ability and use it to take livable planets, fill them with sentient creatures who’s collective psyche forms a World Stone allowing the Titan to form a contract with the Planet, merge with it, and become effectively immortal. Every few millennia the new Planet Abbaki will eject a portion of the planet’s mass seeded with a God Stone heart. A new Abbaki will awake deep in the cosmos thousands of years later. This ejection is done extremely carefully and ensures it will not ruin the planets orbit, often the first launch causes disruption in the local ecology and weather systems, however this is remedied quickly due to the Abbaki’s ability to adjust the planet’s makeup to compensate.
Those Abbaki without the spark of true life are left to wonder the Universe in search of an Ember of their own, often leaving behind planets filled with simple sapient life as their urge to create takes control in a given solar system.