Maximilian Decker during his campaign for The Table
It has come to my attention that my fellow Zyclestians seek to council with The Table, and have been sorely uneducated in the routes by which they may do so. The Pelach of gold is not barred, and I shall see to it that more of the knowledgeable in the city make use of Parlance once again. We cannot allow Zyclest to falter now thanks to deaf ears after centuries of glorious progress.
During the turbulent times after the end of the Meyda War the people of the Zyclester Empire desired a method by which they could bring issues before the Emporer. The Table devised an official method by which anyone could submit a request for Parlance. The request in question required two things, a particular layout and organization so that issues presented would be clear and well communicated, and a stamp from any recognized Educator. Modern Zyclest has seen the Parlance document gather dust as the University keeps it quietly behind the doors of the University and the layman has forgotten largely that it exists.