How to use One Shot Guides

I have organized this entire One Shot using callout box types. I will list each below with a description inside of what its use is.

Info Blocks

Info blocks should be read directly to players. Whether verbatim, adjusted, or summarized, it is generally in world happenings or events occurring which the player characters are experiencing. The ONLY exception is the Player Vibe Blurb which I traditionally send in a discord channel or group chat before play to give everyone a quick idea of the tone, and perhaps spark excitement and/or inspiration.

Quote Blocks

Quote blocks should be read directly to players, their title will always be the source of the voice which may or may not be DM information only, this is up to your discretion.

Note Blocks

Note blocks are DM first information that may or may not be given to players depending on how actual play occurs.

Warning Blocks

This is a key element which is either used to foreshadow something later, or simply needs to be kept in mind for the session to go well or as intended. Notes can be forgotten most of the time and things will be okay, Warning’s if neglected can harm the flow of gameplay.

Example Blocks

Example Blocks explain mechanical effects. These can be outlining of custom mechanics, or explanations of the mechanical effects/reactions to in game actions and occurences.

Danger Blocks

Danger blocks describe custom status effects.

Advanced Guide

Sometimes blocks will be nested, in this case the outside block takes precedence with the interior block being some kind of secondary effect, explanation, or exposition. For example:

Top Level Info

Read this to players first

Nested Effect

Then this happens

Sometimes multiple blocks are nested, and the top level block contains additional text between. Like so:

Top Level Info

Read this to players first

Nested Quote

This quote should be read second

Read this to players third

Nested Effect

This effect happens 4th