Traditionally cubes but now more commonly dodecahedron’s Spell Block’s are most commonly used by Sorcerers but many Meyda-workers use them as a focus aid. Each face of the Spell Block has a simplified version of a spell’s Meyda-circle with its lines deeply engraved allowing the holder to trace the circle with the thumb or forefinger during Meyda-work.
Several attempts have been made to create Spell Blocks with internal mechanisms that allow for dynamic Meyda-circle construction but the precision required has made all known attempts unusable. Students at the Zyclester University often attempt to create modified Spell Blocks or Dynamic Spell Blocks as their final project.

Obsolescence through Improvement

Spell Blocks are primarily used as focal aids for the users more difficult spells. Some are used for decades if their owner is uninterested in learning new ones. Others are passed down in academies as older more learned students and instructors have mastered the old Blocks spells and require a new one for more advanced Meyda-work.

Precise Engravings

A Spell Block’s engraved Meyda-circles must be of an exacting form. There are few besides the Rugadh Sliabh capable of constructing a functional one. Even those great craftsmen of old must train for many years to accomplish this feat. Not only must the physical work be true, but the basis provided of ink or charcoal on paper requires an equal measure of perfection. Any error on paper becomes compounded once chisel is brought to marble or granite.