Meyda-flow is the general term used when discussing the measure of Meyda required to power a spell and the type of flow involved in its casting.

Types of Flow

Strike-flow (S-flow)

Generally the more commonly understood Meyda-flow type, named by the early wizards for the sudden effect and feeling on oneself when casting a spell that requires this type of power draw. Strike-flow describes an almost instantaneous draw of a specified quantity to elicit an immediate effect. Examples of Strike-flow spells are listed below:

  • Burning Hands
  • Grease
  • Sleep
  • Arcane Lock
    These spells are almost always characterized as singular impactful results, eruptions of elements, sudden non-continues mental attacks, or the switching of one state to another.

Siphon-flow (Si-flow)

Siphon-flow spells are generally not taught to beginner workers of Meyda as they require more training so as to not overwork one’s Soul. Siphon-flow describes a spell which consumes a continuous, often smaller quantity of Meyda to facilitate a temporary or lasting effect. Examples of Siphon-flow spells are listed below:

  • Fog Cloud
  • Mage Armor
  • Alter Self
  • Invisibility
    Siphon-flow spells encompass all that would make temporary change to one’s surroundings and/or perception. Their are of course some Siphon-flow spells which are used to permanently alter an area over time but they are more complex and rare.

Strike-siphon-flow (SS-flow)

Strike-siphon-flow describes spells in which both key disciplines are used. Most often Strike-flow to initialize an effect and Siphon-flow to maintain a secondary effect or alter the spell in some way. These spells are subversive in their difficulty due to the often surprising amount of Meyda a caster is required to use in both starting and maintaining the spell. In some areas of Meyda-work, especially Necromancy, the secondary Si-flow portion of the spell is offloaded to a Minor Stone during the S-flow phase.

  • Faerie Fire
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Animate Dead
  • Speak with Dead
    These spells generally are explained by teachers as spells which kick and pull. Guiding bolt’s initial flash of light being the kick, and the resulting bright white target the pull.

Measure of Flow

Measurement of Meyda-flow is said to have been created by Mordechai several decades before his rise to godhood some claim it may have been this very study that provided him with the breakthrough necessary to become a god. Meyda-flow is measured in Chips and depends on the type of flow involved. Flow measurement requires a Meyda-circle with a Meyda-zone in which chips are placed. It is for this reason that all students of Meyda-work are taught to never attempt a spell before it has been measured or risk becoming a Tzedef due to an overdraw of Meyda destroying their Soul.


S-flow is measured by the amount of chips it consumes as a flat metric. This is referred to by teachers as the Strike Cost or SC.

Strike Cost by Spell Level
Spell LevelCostDenomination
81God Stone
92God Stone


Si-flow is measured by how long a single chip can maintain the siphon. This is referred to by teachers as Chip Strength.

Chip Strength by Spell Level
Spell LevelTime
1One Month
2One Week
3One Day
41 minute
51 second
6.001 seconds
71 nanosecond


In the case of spells in which both types of flow are present both types of measurements are taken and the spell will have both an initial Strike Cost and Chip Strength. See the spell’s level in both table’s for the total cost for an SS-flow spell.