Extracted from the venom glands of Giant Spiders Polema has caught on in popularity in very recent years thanks to the spike in Spider Ranches. It has yet to be controlled by most nations except for Zoher, and was named after its most ubiquitous effect. Everyone who imbibes Polema recalls feeling a full body burning sensation not unlike eating spicy food, but more unanimously pleasant. Most experience fever like symptoms while on the drug but have their sense of pain numbed and feel euphoric. Thanks to the recency of the drug’s discovery it is still easily acquired, however its price continues to climb as it creates many a returning customer.
The euphoria induced by Polema causes many to become addicted to it, especially those already at odds with life. Though not bodily destructive, withdrawal symptoms for consistent users often include heightened anxiety and muscle aches and are more than enough to drive individuals back to the substance. Thankfully for many the withdrawal cycle of Polema is relatively safe albeit uncomfortable, and simply requires a bit of willpower to overcome unlike Cracked Flush.
Several years after its introduction to wider society as a substance for pleasure and pain reduction it was quickly realized that the now readily accessible venom could be used to tip arrows, daggers and swords. The quick acting potent venom produced by Giant Spiders makes for an almost immediate deadly effect upon entering the bloodstream.