A form of matter that is one part physical, one part information. A result of the The Collapse, after the burning of the Tree of Time, Meyda is formed as a byproduct of sentient beings making decisions. The information and energy that would normally branch out into another timeline is forced to stay in L’vad as Meyda. Though it can be found throughout L’vad, it is most concentrated wherever sentient minds reside. Of the few World Stones that exist, it is likely they contain close to half of the Meyda in the Universe.
Magic and other Worlds
Meyda can be used by a Soul to affect the world around it. On most worlds this is called Meyda-work, where it is used and conducted in a variety of ways. Astonishing as it is to see an eruption of fire, or entire mansions conjured seemingly from thin air, this is not Meyda’s most baffling capability. Due to its information/matter composite, it allows for lossless transitions of both. One’s Soul and body can be transferred via “lines” called Tethers to other places in the physical realm of L’vad, or more confusingly, to places made up entirely of and within Meyda, known as Luumara. For a Luumara to even be possible requires a condensed, solid form of Meyda which appears like a glowing crystal or gem stone. Such a state of this special matter is extremely powerful, yet strangely involatile. That is, involatile to the material world, Meyda impacts bodies and minds in two unseen ways.
Condensed Meyda similar to highly radioactive elements is constantly releasing large quantities of itself into its surroundings. These amounts are not enough to reduce the size of such a stone in the lifetime of most civilizations, but can steadily impact the physical properties of living things around it. Creatures exposed to Meyda-bombardment for extended periods (generally decades of consistent exposure, or several years of constant high density exposure), begin to exhibit unique properties as the Meyda is absorbed by the body. Listed below in the order they generally appear.
Their eyes will begin to glow as if backlit my some deeper light, this does not change the color of their eyes, instead making their iris’ natural color more pronounced, and the white of their eye significantly brighter. Almost all creatures are capable of seeing in complete darkness when this symptom has shown itself.
Meyda Protection
Once their body has been inundated for years with high concentrations of Meyda, it exhibits a unique robustness, as the Meyda within becomes partially controlled by the whims of the Soul, and can be used to shield against bodily harm, and even Meyda attacks against the mind.
Cellular Dysmorphia
At a certain point if the exposure is not mitigated the body of the individual begins to become loose in its shape, capable of altering or adjusting as the Soul sees fit. This leads to very unique capabilities allowing for the complete restructuring of looks, build, and portions of form, as well as a dangerous mental load. The VERY few individuals who have made it to this stage suffered debilitating existential crisis, as their mind fought to ascertain its identity over a body which had none. Though they have great control over their body, if not exceedingly careful they eventually lose the shape and look of who they once were. This mental crisis only occurs for creatures of a certain level of intelligence. For the few non sentient creatures who have reached such a state of exposure, they become highly dangerous, as their simple mind needs not grapple with the inconsistency of their form. Instead instincts become heightened and can be capitalized on to terrifying efficiency.
Physical Deconstruction
At some point if the creature does not end its own life after the previous stage, it may progress fully to physical deconstruction. Every cell in its body has been replaced by informed Meyda and its physical presence ceases. The creature has now effectively become a very low power Olam Beyn. Their Soul and Ogen are one, and they may traverse sources of Meyda nearly at will. They now hold the power of a minor deity, capable of taking on any form, drawing vast quantities of Meyda for Meyda-work, and perhaps having no limit on the amount of Meyda they can process.
Though mighty, a creature at this stage has only a Soul Memory of its original self remaining, losing all of what it once was except its most core essential part. Once Physical Deconstruction has occurred, it cannot be reverted by any known method.
Exposure Reversion
It is possible to steadily revert to normal from most stages of Meyda-bombardment exposure. So long as a creature is emitting more Meyda than it is absorbing it will at some point revert to a completely normal state.
When working Meyda the individual’s Soul is drawing upon a Tethered source and processing the Meyda. Meyda used in such a way has no effect on the body itself, as it is used up in its entirety during the Meyda-work, and any left over either is absorbed by the Soul or returned to the well from which it was drawn. The Meyda does, however impact the Soul itself. Whenever the Soul processes Meyda its like working out a muscle. In the right amounts the Soul becomes stronger, capable of processing higher volumes for longer with little fatigue. However, if one overdoes it negative results begin to show themselves.
Meyda-work Fatigue
The initial toll from overworking Meyda is a headache of some kind followed by a huge drop in energy leaving the Meyda-worker exhausted and unfocused. Known as Meyda-work Fatigue this state is relatively common, most if not all Meyda-workers have experienced it and are often well acquainted with it. It represents to most, their limit. To those who push past this limit more dangerous symptoms rear their heads.
If one continues to push their Soul and works Meyda not long after the common headache, they will begin to hallucinate as though on a psychoactive drug. This is a result of the creatures Soul slowly being torn apart and the boundary between sensory input of reality and the imagination begins to blur. The true danger once at this stage is that the headache goes away and depending on the hallucinations one receives they may feel overly confident in continuing their Meyda-work.
Finally if pushed too far, the Soul itself will be ripped apart leaving behind a husk of a person ravenous for Meyda. The person who once filled the animated flesh ceases to exist at the most fundamental level.
The Soul is quite capable of repairing itself similar to the physical body if given rest. Proper sleep especially can reverse most of the effects entirely, though if one is pushing past their limit daily more rest will be required to return completely to health.