Before the dragons were driven to the southeast by the Crystal Guard they spread rather evenly across the continent, making their homes in all biomes and habitats. Now however, even the swamp loving Black Dragons are largely sequestered in the mountains and foothills of the Infested Peaks. There are still of course dragons in the mountains and caves of the wider continent but they are rare, some hibernating for extended periods, hoping that perhaps upon awaking the world will have become more friendly towards them.
The term infested is a bit misleading these days. During the early years of its naming the southern portion of the Shid’rah Mountain Range was teaming with hundreds of dragons. Now there are perhaps a dozen left, the majority having killed one another, been killed after leaving, or successfully migrated elsewhere. Some dragons still on the main continent tell of dragons who made it across the sea to claim land on distant islands, away from the relentless mortals.