The Nephesh are beautiful and rare creatures. Rumors claim they are born from the land through Hormus’ magic when his creation is threatened, however the Nephesh know this to be false. They are souls. The souls of forests, oceans, mountains, great lakes, rivers, and deserts. They understand deeply that all entities have a soul, and the more ancient the entity the more likely it is to manifest a Nephesh. Nephesh appear almost exclusively when the entity they belong to is placed in jeopardy or comes under sudden stress.


Body Shape

Generally humanoid in shape. Some Nephesh (i.e. river souls) may take on other shapes that represent the environment that is their source.

General Height

Depends on the shape and type of the soul. However, typically souls range somewhere between 4 ft. (younger forest soul) and 10 ft. (ancient mountain soul)

Physical Variance

Nephesh vary substantially, bearing marks and features specific to the entity they come from and often ascribed attributes of that entity provided by external sources. For instance, an ocean’s Nephesh will often be covered in coral growths and seaweed like hair. They may also exhibit sharp teeth and claws in reference to their dangerous nature.



Nephesh have immense magical power when within the entity they represent.


Nephesh cannot leave the location they represent unless they manifest completely. However manifesting uses an abundance of energy and much of their native power is sacrificed for freedom of mobility.