The most prominent and well known body part of Hormus. His eye stares up unmoving, six miles across and flooded with fluid, the pupil and iris largely hidden by swamp growth. Every year sometime between the beginning of Tolothen and Nedrui. For the local hamlet of devotees this time is a celebration referred to as the “Renewing Wave”. Two great cliffs of stone some fifty feet high crash in the center of the eye expelling massive volumes of water that flood the area for several miles. It is said that this is the best time to collect the tears of Hormus. Potions and more lucratively Flush made with Renewing Tears have more potent effects.

Existing for long periods of time near the Eye of Hormus generally has a positive healing effect on the body. The diseased and plague ridden incurable by priests have claimed to receive miracle like healing after only several months.

There have been many accounts of locals receiving the power to heal via a look or touch. They are considered “Chosen Seers” of Hormus, granted a fraction of his power in exchange for their continued devotion. This is explained by the Church of Hormus as a natural reaction to their sacrificial life style, reflected in their poor living conditions and expenditure of time serving the community. They impress that such power could never surpass that of a Sundered Priest, as it is simply a natural stepping stone on the path to the Tear.