Known to most sentient creatures as gods or deities, the Olam Beyn are those beings who’s Meyda formed Consciousness is so dense and powerful that it functions as its own Ogen. This means that they are capable of traversing between Luumara and L’vad at will. They are commonly powerful enough to conduct Forced Contracts on most non-Olam Beyn, and can utilize extremely powerful Meyda-work with ease.
Most Olam Beyn are created by Abbaki who hold an Ember. However once an Abbaki has joined their ember and their body to a planet’s World Stone Olam Beyn can come to exist due to powerful concepts and mass conscious belief. Mammon is an Attovian example of this phenomenon. In even more rare occasions a sentient being that is otherwise not an Olam Beyn may rise to become one through a powerful contract or gift. Mordechai conducted such a contract.