The first entry in Mad Men
I looked and I couldn’t. To gaze at him was to inquire of my sight a capacity incomprehensible. It was to my mind the simultaneous observation of every star and the passage between. I felt the air thin, then curdle as he approached, fingers reaching, spanning a distance infinitesimal. I held my breath, I waited, I waited, I waited, I waited…
This went on for some time, I care not to waist charcoal
He found me, amongst the cosmic throng, he sought me in a game I did not play, but almost won. Yet something drew him, a greater threat? A different prey? I cannot unsee what I have not seen. I seek to end the senseless dreams. I fall, I fall, I fall, I fall…
In particular this phrase was repeated for over an hour before a final:
Then. I wake.
I moved on from the hamlet soon after taking down this testimony, when I strode through it once again years later, I was surprised to hear the man in question had lived an entire year before dying in his sleep. The townsfolk say it was a mercy he went so peacefully. I am inclined to disagree.
Few pray to Bara Levatel. They are mostly ignored, Quickly forgotten is where most are happy to place Bara. Though generally agreed upon as the one who presides over the transition from life to the afterlife, Bara Levatel is considered a bad omen. The gods will see to it their loyal believers go where they belong and likewise to the evildoers, Bara is symbol of loss and grief to the populace. Not a part of the process that sees them to their glory.
Bara Levatel has been described as a thin, tall individual who wears no clothing. His appearance mirrors the Biaban in some regards, except his flesh is like a void. An absence of light that begets something more. Though some believe his appearance is dangerous to depict due to some painterly similarities to Skoteinóti̱ta, there are still several famous works which apparently draw no wraithful entrant during the night.
Other Names
- The Unmaker
- Death
- Stalker
- Bara
- Bás (Rugadhian)