During the height of the Multiverse the Abbaki gathered around the Tree of Time at the center of all Universes. They spent their eternal lifespans tending to its infinite branches, crossing between the realms and using the unfathomable power of Time to fulfill their insatiable urge to create. No matter how much they created there was always something new. A never before seen type of star, a musical composition built from electromagnetic radiation spanning an entire universe, a new unstable element held captive in the heart of a supermassive black hole. Then Aba Chishev created something impossible. Taking a piece of the great Tree he implanted it in a mind of ridiculous proportions, the Katan Iysh, tiny creatures capable of individualistic thought, and aware of their own fallacious existence. A heartbeat later and the Tree of Time began to sprout new twigs and leaves at an alarming rate. In excitement the other Abbaki began to create sentient beings of their own, and the Tree of Time shuddered with unprecedented new growth.
It did not take long for the Tzarakh’ eleh to catch the sent of unfettered Time. Always a headache but rarely a threat the Abbaki were left defenseless when their creations were beset upon by primordial creatures of chaotic balance. Each Universe explicitly contained a single Tzarakh’ eleh, and yet no matter the distance they would find their way across billions of lightyears to find a seed of Time. Even worse, if long enough spans passed the beings granted free thought would inevitably discover the company they kept, both the truth of their world’s generality and their impending doom. Many different societies discovered Paths to the Tree of Time, becoming multiverse hopping forces of war or seekers of refuge. The exponential impact this had on the fractal of sentient choice caused even the Tree of Time to begin to bow under the weight of its branches. This began the Abbaki’s desperate attempt to prune the branches of those worlds which caused explosive sprouts.
The Abbaki had sorely underestimated the Katan Iysh, they seemed impossible to eradicate, the Tree of Time’s branches an endless refuge capable of spawning millions of Universes to hop to for every world pruned. Even lopping off an entire branch did little in the face of the expansion occurring at this time. The Abbaki held a council at the roots of their beloved tree, coming to the conclusion that the only way to keep the tree in its entirety from failing, they must burn all but the roots. Thus the fundamental laws of physics might remain intact, and a new world could be built from the ashes. Several Abbaki dissented against this idea, notably Lelo Shar’sheret who lead a small faction of Abbaki, the Shar’sheret Shavar, who believed that the Tree of Time in conjunction with the Tzarakh’ eleh would heal and correct itself if left untouched.
When it came time to burn the tree of time, the Shar’sheret Shavar arrived with a force of reckoning. Having taking pieces from the Tree of Time, they combed the Multiverse for powerful Tzarakh’ eleh and drew them to the tree with its seeds, forming a formidable battle line against the would be arsonists. A stalemate of sorts was held for several centuries before the bowing of the Tree of Time spurred the Koach Lehavah, those who sought the burning of time, into a desperate push.
Never before had such a battle taken place, there at the very core of space time, primordial elements of chaos and order, purity and corruption collided with force enough to shatter galaxies. When the dust settled the multiverse was no more, that brilliant golden canopy of chronological progeny but smoldering embers above the roots of that which MUST NOT CHANGE. The burning of Time and subsequent collapse of every Universe opened a vacuum unfathomable in scale, drawing from every universe its Tzarakh’ eleh who swarmed like locust after the shattered cinders cast into the nothingness that was the center of a long gone fractal of creation.
The leftover survivors of the Koach Lehavah and Shar’sheret Shavar were forced to work together in the creation of a new, single Universe in which they might cast the embers of the Tree of Time and create freely within. Their hate for one another made the process arduous and argumentative, when all was done they named the new world L’vad then the majority of the Abbaki sought out far reaching corners of its expanse, separate from one another, seeking embers to help satiate their craving for creation, and keeping the last seeds of Time from being snapped up by a passing Tzarakh’ eleh.
A small tribe of the Shar’sheret Shavar still lives under the ashes of the once mighty Tree of Time, in the hopes that one day it will sprout anew. They seek to gather ALL the pieces of scorched Time and return them to the Tree, perhaps the Multiverse can be put back together after all.