The human race on Attovia covers a large swath of genetics attributed to those who do not exhibit “exotic” traits. The subset groups of this genetic makeup are listed below. Each have their own cultural practices, beliefs, and customs, however overlap can be found in many places.


A people most recognizable for their deep red skin. A color akin to rust, or bricks struck by the sun.


A group of humans who grow two to three feet shorter on average than their brethren. They exhibit stocky bodies that are oddly proportional to their different stature.


Zoherians are recognizable by their pale complexions and for being the founders of Zoher, one of the earliest nations in Attovian history.


The Tzel have ebony skin, and stand at a height between the Zoher and Amodians.

World Builder’s Notes

Amod is a modification of the Hebrew Adom for red
Nammal is the adjective namukh’ and the noun chash’mal in Hebrew for short.
Zoher is the adjective for bright in hebrew.