Yähti is a moon to Attovia that has been tidally locked on two axis through means of powerful magic. Normally a tidally locked moon would still have phases, however the Platinum Orchids that grow in the Platinum Dragon’s presence so fully cover the surface of the planet that their brilliance causes the moon to glow every night, all night. It is considered one of the darkest omens when a thin strip of pitch black creeps over Yähti’s visible surface.

Dragon Gravitas

Hikari and Yami have hearts so large and dense that their magical influence can exert power over the spin of Yähti. For seven millennia a power struggle of unprecedented scale has racked the planet with constant earthquakes and war. Countless generations of dragonborn leave nothing but their dull green blood on the planet as they are smashed into one another in the name of their gods honor.

Names in other Cultures


The Kochavists and Dragonborn in general most often refer to Yähti as Hikari after their goddess.