The general populace not residing in a theocratic state or nation rarely participates in the rules and doctrine associated with traditional religion. Instead they may pray to a god of the Pantheon if it suits their immediate need or worry. Athletes make offerings to Krag the Quick as a part of competition prep. Sailors curse or praise Lielun when seas are rough or fair. When someone is in need of healing they are taken to a local Church of Hormus Temple and an offering will likely be made. Religion for the common man is transactional. Not to say there are no pious individuals, one can always find a group or sect that is deeply devoted to a god, and perhaps more so devoted to a leader who provides knowledge about their chosen deity. Not all such groups are cults, many exist as local church communities, impacting their fellow citizens positively. Other’s like The Mávros Church started in such a way, but grew quickly, leading to corruptible people in power, now seeking control over a sizable flock they could have hardly imagined before.