An Old Elf's Musings

Why is it that the feelings we hold for those we find significant dwindle. And if they do not dwindle why do they change? Like the canopy of the Ambar Forest each season, it is a predictable, undeniable fact of the mortal life.
Is it truly impossible for one such long lived as I to hold fast to that most elusive, explosive, novelty? Why must I seek novelty in my relations at all? Satisfaction is not satisfying, and love is not immutable. The ancient writings of the first Cundo in Ambar suggest two contradicting solutions.
First, one should find their deep connection to the Ambar Tree as an untarnishable source of meaning. This feels on its surface to be true, but even those of our first generation behaved like unsated rabble after only several lifetimes. It was not in some practical wisdom which such a solution was devised.
Second, this life is unfulfilling by its nature, and when the Soul of a Tethered Elf is joined to the Ambar Tree in death a life undesiring novelty can begin. A hopeful outlook to say the least, but if this were so, then why be formed with such desires. The mastering of such matters not if it is done for us in a second life.
I personally resolve to attempt finding contentment in my thoughts and writing. Come greet me some century or so from now, and we shall see how I have fared.

The oldest retained work of Elvish philosophy, written by an unnamed author, a rarity among Elvish thinkers that to many of the race lends it a unique credibility.