Before the Multiverse fell during the burning of the Tree of Time the Tzarakh’ eleh were a constant between all universes. No matter how different or strange, floating among the stars between the vast reaches of space and time, defying all laws of physics or reason. The singularities. Tzarakh’ eleh are as common as they are rare, as varied as they are similar, seeking but one thing. To consume Time. They are the cosmic result of balance, the very incarnation of karmic revolutions, and the Abbaki fear them more than anything else. Now millions of them comb L’vad post collapse, seeking the cinders of lost time, their urge to devour driving them millions of lightyears across that empty, isolated expanse.
Tzarakh’ eleh are not a “race” they are primordial constructions of informed stardust that each take on unique forms. Some animalistic like Graskoroth, others exhibit little to no physical appearance, instead taking the form of pulsating gravitational waves, plasma, or ethereal clouds of impossibly held together gasses.